Applications of Geotextile Fabrics

Applications of Geotextile Fabrics

Geotextile fabrics, both woven and non-woven, are used in many applications. They provide separation, stabilization, reinforcement and protection.

Woven slit film polypropylene fabrics are the most popular type. They have high strength and permeability.

They are used in road construction to separate aggregate layer from soil layers, prevents mixing and increases the durability of roads. They are also used in hillside erosion control to stabilize the ground.


Geotextiles are permeable fabrics that can be woven or non-woven depending on the application. Woven fabrics have yarns, fibres or filaments that are intertwined whereas non-woven fabrics comprise fibers or filaments that are bonded together. They come in different sizes and shapes to suit specific applications, such as filtration or reinforcement.

When used in filtration, geotextiles are designed to allow water to pass through while keeping soil and other fine particles from passing through. The opening size in a woven or non-woven fabric is determined by Geotextile the weave pattern, which affects its ability to retain and filter particles. It is important to select a geotextile with an opening size that is larger than the particle size of the material you’re trying to filter, as this will prevent blocking.

The gradient ratio filtration test is an experimental apparatus used to determine the clogging potential of a fine-grained soil-geotextile system. It consists of a pneumatic pressure device, a permeameter chamber, and a water supply overflow system. The chamber has upper and lower acrylic cylinder sections that the champed geotextile specimen is inserted into. The cylinders are connected to a loading rod that simulates the normal compressive stress of the soil-geotextile system. A linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) is connected to the cylinder output end and to the loading rod to monitor vertical displacement changes.


The separation function of geotextile is one of the primary functions and is used for separating various soil materials during construction. Woven and non-woven fabrics are both used to separate different layers of soil. This helps maintain the strength of aggregates and prevents them from mixing with other soil. This is particularly important for road construction projects where different types of material are being used. It is a great way to extend the life of the road and minimize any potential repairing costs.

Separation is also often used to help prevent contaminated or fly-away materials from being mixed with the rest of the project. This is a common problem in road building and can be expensive to correct. Woven and non-woven fabrics are often used to keep these materials contained and allow for a cleaner final product.

The separation function of geotextiles can also help with drainage and filtration. Woven and non-woven fabrics are commonly used in drainage systems to prevent sediments from intermixing with the rest of the system. Non-woven fabrics are also used in filtration applications to allow water and other liquids to flow through the fabric without getting blocked or flooding the site. Woven fabrics, on the other hand, provide excellent filtration and drainage while still maintaining their strength and durability. This makes them an excellent choice for use in many projects including roads and airfields.


A common use of geotextile is in drainage projects. When placed under the surface layers of a project, such as a road or driveway, the fabric helps to prevent the materials from sinking or compacting and provides a permeable and stable sub layer. This allows water to pass through the membrane and downhill into drainage systems, avoiding build-up and flooding problems.

Woven or non-woven geotextiles are typically used for this purpose. Both fabrics can prevent sediment, debris, and pollutants from entering drainage systems, preventing them from becoming blocked or damaged over time. This can also save on maintenance costs by reducing the amount of time and money needed to clean or repair the system.

In addition to drainage, a geotextile can be used in stabilization applications. This is when the fabric is laid on top of a soft material like wet soil to help stabilize geocell factory it and make it more trustworthy as a base.

It can also be used in construction and landscaping to help prevent erosion. Simply placing the fabric over exposed soil can help prevent the movement of soil particles and protect plants from weather conditions, such as wind and rain. This can be particularly beneficial in areas that experience a lot of traffic or heavy loads, such as construction sites and driveways. It can also reduce the need for non-renewable aggregates in a project, saving on cost and reducing environmental impact.


Geotextile fabrics provide an additional layer of strength in stabilising soils, especially when used on slopes and embankments. They are resistant to chemical and biological elements, providing filtration, separation, drainage, and support to potentially unstable soil structures.

Woven geotextile fabrics are made by intertwining yarns, fibres or strips together at right angles (lengthwise and crosswise) to form a flat structure. These fabrics offer biaxial resistance and are commonly used in the construction sector.

Non-woven fabrics are made by bonding fibers together through a chemical process. These fabrics are less strong than woven fabrics, but they are often more cost effective and can have different functions and applications.

One of the primary uses for non-woven and woven geotextiles is separating materials. These fabrics can be used between subgrades, between soil and stone base layers for roads or airfields, or between geomembranes and landfills.

When using geotextiles for reinforcement in soil slopes, it is important that the reinforcement satisfy both strength and soil interaction requirements. The strength requirements focus on the long term design strength (LTDS) and the soil interaction properties include the coefficient of direct sliding, Cds, and pullout interaction coefficient, Ci. The LTDS and the soil interaction properties are calculated by using two-part wedge analysis methods that involve finding the critical slope geometry of the test slope and determining the required net horizontal force P to ensure slope stability.

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