Augmented Reality Solutions for Manufacturing

augmented reality solutions for manufacturing

Augmented Reality Solutions for Manufacturing

AR solutions for manufacturing streamline processes and improve productivity by delivering real-time visual guidance on complex assembly. Using an AR headset with cameras, depth and motion sensors, employees can overlay up-to-date instructions on a work piece.

These solutions also enable new workers to safely interact with three-dimensional models and holograms of equipment, virtual representations of workflows, and realistic simulations of industrial processes. In turn, these interactive experiences help new workers learn how to operate the tools and machinery they will use.


In the manufacturing industry, employee training is a significant part of the overall process. While traditional methods like manuals, instructional videos, and employee-shadowing can be helpful, they can also create time delays and mistakes if not supplemented with technology-based training.

AR can help reduce these issues by allowing employees to practice tasks in a virtual reality environment that is safe and controlled. This type of training is more realistic than traditional approaches, which can result in less human error and fewer production delays.

The ability to view a workspace or piece of machinery in real time with superimposed digital training elements provides a unique learning experience that can be used by new workers and veteran employees alike. This type of training can increase knowledge retention and engagement, and can be completed in less time than traditional training.

Similarly, using AR for maintenance can also be a valuable tool to prevent downtime by ensuring technicians are aware of hardware and equipment services and can see potential issues in a timely manner. This can ensure that machines are serviced and repaired correctly the first time around, reducing downtime and keeping costs low.

Another way augmented reality can benefit the manufacturing industry is by helping to streamline the product design and assessment process. This can be done through the use of specialized VR or AR solutions for designing and prototyping, as well as visualizing and understanding the final product in 3D.

For example, Dassault Systemes uses their 3DExperience platform to provide employees with essential information on engineering drawings, parts lists, technical documents, and ergonomics data. This is a great way to make sure the design process goes smoothly and allows employees to focus on more important matters, such as the product itself.

In addition, companies can utilize AR technology for repairing and testing products as they are being assembled. This can help to eliminate errors and save time and money by enabling employees to view visual data points that simplify complex assembly processes.

Lastly, utilizing AR for training can be helpful in the manufacturing industry by providing new workers with the knowledge they need to do their jobs correctly. This can help to avoid a high turnover rate and keep the company running at full speed.


In the world of manufacturing, maintenance is a key priority. It’s important to identify and resolve problems before they affect production and lead to equipment failures. Luckily, there are ways to enhance the maintenance process using augmented reality technology.

Taking an AR-enabled headset to the field allows workers to view a virtual 3D model of a machine, overlaid with interactive controls that provide detailed instructions on how to disassemble it. This approach has been implemented by ThyssenKrupp, a major steel manufacturer.

Another example of an AR-based maintenance solution is Lockheed Martin’s use of augmented reality to build the F-35 fighter aircraft. This new system allows engineers to build the aircraft 30% faster and 96% more accurately than they previously did.

A maintenance technician could be guided by a smart phone handset or “smart glasses” to the exact location of a mechanical component, valve or process measurement that needs maintenance. The device would then display a maintenance history, an in-situ diagnostics test, thermal image or vibration analysis from wireless sensors and more device-specific information to help augmented reality solutions for manufacturing the technician determine whether it is time to make a repair or if the machine is operating correctly.

These intelligent tools help to reduce risk and increase productivity and efficiency by minimizing downtime and increasing plant uptime. This helps companies to meet customer demands while lowering costs and improving their environmental impact.

An augmented reality-based solution also supports training, helping employees learn to understand and operate equipment more effectively. This is helpful in a number of industries, including construction and automotive.

In addition, it can be used to support remote operators. For example, if an operator is having trouble with a machine, they can be directed to a smart glass that displays a remote expert. This expert can then guide them through the problem and instruct them on how to solve it.

This can reduce the time and effort needed to complete repairs, as well as improve employee safety by eliminating the need for an expensive and dangerous manual method. In addition, augmented reality can be used to create a semi-immersive training experience for employees. This type of immersive learning helps less experienced workers learn new skills more quickly and efficiently.


Using augmented reality solutions for manufacturing, companies can provide inspection opportunities at any step of the process. This makes it easier to identify defects early and eliminate them before they cause rework.

In addition to a reduction in human errors, industrial augmented reality also helps to increase efficiency and productivity. This is because digital work instructions are placed directly into the field of vision, eliminating steps that require workers to go back and forth between their computer and equipment.

This digitization also improves the flow of work in aerospace and defense manufacturing processes, which can be prone to long standard cycle times. With AR, workers are able to view dynamic, step-by-step instructions right in their field of vision and are automatically confirmed on each step, ensuring quality and reducing the risk of error.

Another benefit of digitized work instructions is that they ensure consistency throughout the entire process. This improves the reliability of incoming goods augmented reality solutions for manufacturing and prevents errors that may occur during assembly, thereby reducing waste and cost.

For example, with LightGuide AR software, a worker cannot move on to the next step until they are absolutely sure that they have followed the correct work instructions. This is called no-fault forward steps and ensures that all steps are completed correctly.

In addition to reducing errors, industrial augmented reality has other benefits that can help companies increase productivity and reduce costs. These benefits include improved safety, lower cognitive load, and reduced downtime.

With augmented reality, manufacturers can also train employees on how to perform quality assurance tasks properly. This can help them ensure that products meet the necessary standards and increase their sales.

Training can be done in a hands-on or classroom format. With augmented reality, training can take place remotely and at a different time or location than traditional methods.

As globalization continues to grow, the need for flexible, mobile control and monitoring of production processes is becoming increasingly important. With Visual Inspect AR, FARO offers a new solution that meets these needs and helps companies make their production processes more flexible, more efficient, and more secure while reducing overall costs.


Getting collaboration right is crucial to the success of any project. Whether you’re creating a new product or upgrading an existing one, having the right people working together can ensure that your finished product will be of high quality and that it will be delivered on time.

With augmented reality solutions, you can collaborate in real-time, regardless of where the people involved are physically located. This is especially important for tasks that involve remote work, like a salesperson measuring and approving a stairlift design before it’s built and sent out for delivery.

AR can also provide an additional layer of context around the things that need to be worked on in your manufacturing environment. Depending on the type of application, this could include visualizing material properties or previewing how a part will look when it’s completed.

Another use case for augmented reality is in the development of three-dimensional models and virtual prototypes. This allows for better visualization of the end-product and helps to improve quality control and efficiency in the production process.

In addition, AR solutions can allow for collaboration between different departments, including designers and engineers. This can help to keep the entire team on the same page and make sure that everyone’s vision is aligned.

Training is an important aspect of any manufacturing or warehousing operation, and AR can be used to introduce new workers to the production line in a safe and interactive way. By using holograms, 3D models and workflow simulations, new employees can learn about their roles on the production floor and become familiar with safety protocols and potential hazards.

These systems also give workers instant feedback on how they are performing their tasks. This helps to minimize error rates and reduce the learning curve for new employees.

The first step in deploying an augmented reality solution is to develop and define use cases for the technology. This involves assessing your current processes and technologies, and then determining which tasks can be enhanced or automated through AR.

Once you’ve figured out which use cases are most important, you can start implementing a prototype of your AR system. This will help to test its functionality and determine any shortcomings before bringing it into production.

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